Thursday, 10 April 2014


Ideas for introducing the theme:
What noises do frogs make?
What colour are they? Don't forget the poison arrow frogs, which are brightly coloured!
Who can jump like a frog?
Where do frogs live?
The life cycle of a frog: eggs - tadpole - froglet - frog


1. Little Frog; by Jenny Hale; c. 2007
Little Frog and Puppy are excited, because it is Little Frog's birthday. His birthday present, Duckling, goes missing, and the birthday party has to start without him. Little Frog is worried that Duckling is missing out on all the fun, but Duckling finds a way to join in.
Gorgeous bright illustrations, and lots of fun trying to find Duckling on each page.

2. One frog sang; by Shirley Parenteau; illustrated by Cynthia Jabar; c. 2010
A lovely counting to ten and back again book, with lots of fun frog noises to make.

3. The big wide mouthed frog; by Ana Martín Larrañaga; c. 2003
With fun illustrations, this follows the story of the wide mouth frog, who is curious about what every eats. What happens when he meets a crocodile who eats wide mouth frogs?

4. Picasso the green tree frog; by Amanda Graham; illustrated by John Siow; c. 1989
A green tree frog, who changes colours by putting himself in different environments, has a bit of trouble when he falls into a jar of jelly beans. How will he turn back in to a green tree frog?
A fun exploration of colour, and being yourself.

5. The wide-mouthed frog; retold by Oakley Graham; illustrated by Ela Jarzabek; c. 2012
A beautifully illustrated, interactive pop up version of the story of the wide mouth frog.

Also recommended:

1. A frog in the bog; by Karma Wilson; illustrated by Joan Rankin; c. 2007
2. Down by the cool of the pool; by Tony Mitton; illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees; c. 2001

Finger rhymes:
Five Little Speckled Frogs
Author unknown
Five little speckled frogs (hold up five fingers)
Sat on a speckled log (sit your five fingers on top of your other arm)
Eating some most delicious bugs - yum, yum! (pretend to eat, rub you tummy)
One jumped into the pool, (jump one finger off the log)
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are four green speckled frogs - glub, glub. (hold up four fingers)

Four little speckled frogs...
Three little speckled frogs...
Two little speckled frogs...
One little specked frog...

Five Little Frogs
Author unknown
Five little frogs were down at the pond (hold up five fingers)
Down at the pond at play (wave hand around)
Along came a hungry crocodile (snap arms like a crocodile)
And chased one frog away (hop one finger away)

Four little frogs were down at the pond (hold up four fingers)
Down at the pond at play (wave hand around)
Along came a wiggly snake (wiggle arm like a snake)
And chased one frog away (hop one finger away)

Three little frogs were down at the pond (hold up three fingers)
Down at the pond at play (wave hand around)
Along came a giant dog (woof woof)
And chased one frog away (hop one finger away)

Two little frogs were down at the pond (hold up two fingers)
Down at the pond at play (wave hand around)
Along came a purple peacock (strut like a peacock)
And chased one frog away (hop one finger away)

One little frog was down at the pond (hold up one finger)
Down at the pond at play (wave hand around)
Along came a flying hawk (spread arms like a bird)
And chased one frog away (hop one finger away)

Then no little frogs were down at the pond (hold up fist)
Down at the pond at play (shrug)
Where do you think the little frogs went
When they all hopped away?

Five Little Froggies
Author unknown
Five little froggies sat on a shore (crouch like a frog, hold up five fingers)
One went for a swim, then there were four (swim, hold up four fingers)
Four little froggies looked happy as can be (crouch, hold up four fingers, smile)
One went swimming, then there were three (swim, hold up three fingers)
Three little froggies said "what can we do?" (crouch, three fingers, shrug)
One jumped in the water, then there were two (jump like a frog, hold up two fingers)
Two little froggies sat in the sun (crouch, two fingers, look up and close eyes)
One swam off, then there was one (swim, one finger)
One little froggie said "this is no fun!" (crouch, one finger, frown)
He dived in the water, and then there were none (dive onto floor, hold up fist)

Two Little Frogs
Author unknown
Two little frogs, sitting on a hill (show one finger on each hand)
One named Jack, and one named Jill (show each finger separately)
"Jump" said Jack. "Jump" said Jill. (jump each finger)
And they both jumped off down the hill (jump fingers down to your lap)

Action songs:
Little Green Frog (Da Glumpf)
Author unknown
Da glumpf went the little green frog one day (hold up two fists, and open them out on each "da glumpf")
Da glumpf went the little green frog
Da glumpf went the little green frog one day
And his eyes went glumpf, glumpf, glumpf.

But, we all know frogs go (clap) "la di da di da"
(Clap) "la di da di da"
(Clap) "la di da di da"
We all know frogs go (clap) "la di da di da"
They don't go  glumpf, glumpf, glumpf.

If You're Happy and You Know It
Author unknown
If you're happy and you know it, croak like a frog (ribbit ribbit)
If you're happy and you know it, croak like a frog (ribbit ribbit)
If you're happy and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you're happy and you know it, croak like a frog (ribbit ribbit)

If you're happy and you know it, jump like a frog (hop, hop)...

Little Tadpole
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
Author unknown
Little tadpole, little tadpole (wiggle finger like tadpole)
Lost his tail, lost his tail (wiggle bottom)
Now he has two feet (hold up two fingers)
Now he has four feet (hold up four fingers)
Look a frog! Look a frog! (jump like a frog)

Six Little Frogs
(tune: Six Little Ducks)
Author unknown
Six little frogs that I once knew (hold up six fingers)
Green ones, brown ones, red ones, too (point to something green, brown, red)
But the one bullfrog with the freckles on his throat (put imaginary dots on your throat)
He ruled them all with a croak, croak, croak

Down to the blue pond they would go
Hop, jump, hop, jump, to and fro (hop and jump)
But the one bullfrog with the freckles on his throat (put imaginary dots on your throat)
He ruled them all with a croak, croak, croak

Mr Frog
Author unknown
Mr Frog jumped out of the pond one day (jump like a frog to one side)
To find himself in the rain (put hands up as if feeling rain)
Said he "I'll get wet, and I might catch a cold" (aah aah ACHOO!)
So he jumped in the pond again (jump like a frog back again)

Four Little Frogs
(tune: Five Grey Elephants)
Author: Jean Warren
One little frog balancing (hold up one finger, balance and wobble)
On a lily pad of green
He thought it was so much fun
He called for another frog to come (wave to come over)

Two little frogs balancing (hold up two fingers, balance and wobble)
On a lily pad of green
They thought it was so much fun
They called for another frog to come (wave to come over)

Three little frogs balancing (hole up three fingers, balance and wobble)
On a lily pad of green
They thought it was so much fun
They called for another frog to come (wave to come over)

Four little frogs balancing (hold up four fingers, balance and wobble)
On a lily pad of green.
They thought it was so much fun
Until they sank into the mud! (sink to the ground)
Glub, glub, glub!

Paper plate frog with concertina legs and long tongue
Paper plate
2 patty pans (eyes)
4 green paper strips (legs)
Red paper strip (tongue)
Pencils/textas/stickers for decorating
Black dot stickers (eyes)
Feet cutouts

Fold paper plate in half.
Fold green paper strips in a concertina.
Roll the red paper strip by wrapping it tightly around a pencil.
Stick two paper patty pans on the top of the paper plate for eyes. Stick black dots in the centre.
Stick red paper strip in the centre of the paper plate, as the tongue.
Stick the four green concertinas underneath the paper plate (two in the centre, one on each side), as the legs.
Stick feet on the end of the legs.
Decorate as desired.

Visit Newcastle Region Library's Catalogue and Website.

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